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Biotechnical Industry News
Integer a velit nec risus malesuada imperdiet id et odio. Nunc sit amet mauris dapibus, feugiat diam eget, suscipit, nam gravida nulla eget turpis commodo.

Chemical Capital Market Contradictions (ICIS Chemical Business August 15 – 21, 2016 Issue)
Young & Partners' insights about chemical company valuations, IPOs, and debt markets conditions
Chemical M&A Chaos Continues (ICIS Chemical Business August 1-14, 2016 issue)
Young & Partners reports on what happened in the first half and the outlook for 2016
Pharma and Biotech Financial Outlook – Calm or Crisis (Young & Partners Pharma Exec Article – June 2016 Issue)
Young & Partners examines whether the current slowdown in the M&A and equity financing markets a lull or permanent
Biotech Financial and M&A Trends – Two Steps Forward, One Step Back (Pharmaceutical Executive March 28, 2016)
Young & Partners examines what happened on the Biotech M&A, IPO and financial fronts in 2015 and hat to expect in 2016.
Chemical M&A finishes strong in 2015 (Interview – Chemical Week Feb. 22, 2016)
Editor-in-Chief interviews Peter Young who talks about what happened in 2015 and the deal pipeline in 2016
Chemical M&A Moving In Every Direction, All At Once (ICIS Chemical Business Feb. 15-21, 2016)
Young & Partners explains why many parts of the M&A and financial markets are moving in totally opposite directions
Press Release: Peter Young Elected President of Societe de Chimie Industrielle (Jan 4, 2016)
Peter Young Elected President of Societe de Chimie Industrielle (Jan 4, 2016)
Banker – Chemicals M&A Market Steady in Third Quarter (Chemical Week Dec. 21 – 28, 2015 Issue)
Chemical Week interviews Peter Young about trends and anomalies in the M&A, Equity and Debt Markets
Merger Would Lead to Split – Dow and DuPont (ICIS Chemical Business Dec 14 – 20, 2015 issue)
Article about what to expect out of the merger and what the challenges will be to complete the deal
Dow Chemical and DuPont discussing merger (IHS Chemical Week Dec 14 – 20, 2015 Issue)
Chemical Week article that reviews the logic behind the potential deal and how it has developed
Dow Chemical and DuPont are in advanced merger talks (IHS Chemical Week – December 8, 2015)
Online article that speculates about key aspects of the Dow and DuPont merger
Chemical M&A Market Rapidly Shifting (Young & Partners article in ICIS Chemical Business Dec 7 – 13, 2015)
Young & Partners article looks at the splintering chemical M&A market and the outlook for 2016
Young & Partners 2015 Chemical Conference: Seifi Ghasemi, CEO of Air Products Keynote Speech: Creating Shareholder Value in the Current Environment
Keynote speech given by the CEO of Air Products on "Creating Shareholder Value in the Current Environment"
Young & Partners 2015 Chemical Conference: Seifi Ghasemi, CEO of Air Products Fireside Chat
Peter Young of Young & Partners moderates fireside chat with the CEO of Air Products
Pharma and Biotech Financial Forecast – Mostly Sunny (Young & Partners Pharma Exec Article Dec 2015 issue)
Young & Partners assesses the Pharma and Biotech business, stock market, financing and M&A trends and outlook
A Fireside Chat with Brent Saunders (Pharmaceutical Executive Nov. 24, 2015)
Peter Young interviews Brent Saunders, CEO of Allergan, at the 11th Annual Pharmaceutical Executive Summit
Contradictions in the Capital Markets (ICIS Nov 23 – Dec 6, 2015)
Young & Partners article looks at the equity and debt markets and why conventional wisdom often does not apply
Chemical Week – Debt Markets a Challenge for High Yield (Nov. 16 – 23, 2015 issue)
Chemical Week interviews Peter Young of Young & Partners about conditions in the debt market for chemicals