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Integer a velit nec risus malesuada imperdiet id et odio. Nunc sit amet mauris dapibus, feugiat diam eget, suscipit, nam gravida nulla eget turpis commodo.

Sunny Outlook for Chemical Financing (Young & Partners article in ICIS Feb. 25 – March 3, 2013)
Overall chemical industry's debt and equity financing activity has been positive
Banker – M&A down in 2012, But Improving (Chemical Week Feb. 18, 2013 Issue)
Young & Partners' view of chemical industry M&A in 2012 and outlook for 2013
Chemical M&A Market Down But Not Out (Young & Partners article in ICIS Feb 11-17, 2013)
Unique insights about what happened last year and the positive outlook ahead
Breaking Waves – Turbulent Times for the Biopharma Business (Young & Partners Article in Pharma Exec Nov 2012 Issue)
Turbulence and Uncertainties Driving Pharma and Biotech M&A and Financial Environment
Banker – Big uptick in chemical debt financing (Chemical Week October 2, 2012)
Peter Young comments on the strength of chemical industry debt and equity financing activity
Chemical M&A Hit by Uncertainty (Young & Partners article in ICIS August 13 – 26, 2012)
M&A cycle and global uncertainty contributing to a dramatic fall in chemical M&A
First-Half M&A Fall Sharply from Record 2011 Levels (Chemical Week August 13 – 20, 2012 issue)
Chemical Week interviews Peter Young, head of Young & Partners,about the state of the M&A market
Private Equity and the Chemical Industry (Young & Partners article in ICIS May 28 to June 3,2012)
Young & Partners article that looks at the evolving role of private equity in chemicals
Chemical M&A Market Continues To Fall (Young & Partners article in ICIS May 21 – 27, 2012)
Young & Partners takes a different view versus bullish predictions of a strong M&A market in 2012 by others
Chemical M&A Market Continues To Slide (Young & Partners article in Chemical Week May 21, 2012)
Description of what has driven the fall in M&A dollar volumes since the fall
Uncertain Outlook for Pharma and Biotech Deals Following ‘Turbulent 2011’ (Young & Partners Article in Pharmaceutical Executive April 18, 2012)
Assessment of the M&A, Equity and Debt Financing and Stock Market in 2011 and what lies ahead
Chemical Financing – Volatile And Challenging (Young & Partners article in ICIS March 19-25, 2012)
Description of the strong investment grade debt, volative high yield debt, and weak equity financing markets
Chemical M&A – A Market In Transition (Young & Partners article in ICIS Feb. 27 to March 4, 2012)
Young & Partners article analyzing movement of the chemical M&A market down from the recent peak
Young & Partners Financial Advisor to Apollo in $1.5 billion Taminco Deal (Feb 15,2012)
Press release announcing Apollo's acquisition of Taminco for $1.5 billion and Young & Partners role as financial advisor to Apollo
M&A Falling off the Peak (December 12, 2011 – January 1, 2012 ICIS Chemical Business)
Y&P article in ICIS Chemical Business on industry conditions and the slowdown of the chemical M&A market
Young & Partners expands Cross-Border Brazilian Mergers and Acquisition Services in Chemicals and Life Sciences (November 7, 2011)
Y&P press release announcing its Brazilian cross-border M&A joint venture with one of the leading Brazilian investment banks.