A Fireside Chat with Brent Saunders (Pharmaceutical Executive Nov. 24, 2015)
Peter Young interviews Brent Saunders, CEO of Allergan, at the 11th Annual Pharmaceutical Executive Summit
Contradictions in the Capital Markets (ICIS Nov 23 – Dec 6, 2015)
Young & Partners article looks at the equity and debt markets and why conventional wisdom often does not apply
Chemical Week – Debt Markets a Challenge for High Yield (Nov. 16 – 23, 2015 issue)
Chemical Week interviews Peter Young of Young & Partners about conditions in the debt market for chemicals
Chemical M&A Activity Rising YOY, But Pace Has Slowed (Chemical Week – Sept 18, 2015)
Chemical Week talks to Peter Young of Young & Partners about the slowing M&A market
Global Chemical M&A Activity Moving Past the Peak? (ICIS Chemical Business Sept 14 – 20, 2015 issue)
Young & Partners authored article looks at the latest M&A trends and where we are in the M&A cycle
Is M&A About to Peak (ICIS Chemical Business June 8-14, 2015 Issue)
Editor-in-Chief of ICIS Chemical Business talks to Young & Partners about the M&A cycle
Pharma M&A and Financial Trends The Frenzy and Risks Escalate – Young & Partners Pharma Exec Article (June 5, 2015)
A look at the positive pharma industry developments coupled with a frenzy of M&A activity
First Quarter Chemicals’ M&A activity nearly doubled – Chemical Week interviews Peter Young (May 29, 2015)
Chemical Week discusses the M&A market with Peter Young of Young & Partners and where it is heading
Hot and Cold – Biotech M&A and Financial Trends – Young & Partners Pharma Exec Article (May 26, 2015)
How and why the biotech industry is experiencing business and financial extremes
Chemical M&A in the Fast Lane (Young & Partners article in ICIS Chemical Business – March 30, 2015 issue)
In-depth look at the M&A market, why it is currently strong, and the underlying dynamics